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Policy Commands⚓︎

These are commands that require an active and reachable instance of the ODM Policy Server.

Common parameters:

  • -f / --properties-file: file path of the configuration file describing how to communicate with ODM modules
    • it's an optional YAML file that, if present, list all the modules and their URL in the following format: module-server: http://<hostname>:<port> (e.g., registry-server: http://localhost:8005)
    • the default file in the project lists the modules as if they were exposed locally with their default ports
  • -s / --server: server address (port included) of the ODM Registry Server; If explicit, override the property in the properties-file
  • -h / --help: command helper
  • -V / --version: command version

list engine⚓︎

odm-cli validator list engine
  • name: List Policy Engine
  • description: List all registered Policy Engines
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy list engine [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml list engine
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 list engine

list policy⚓︎

odm-cli validator list validator
  • name: List Policy
  • description: List all registered Policies
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy list policy [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml list policy
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 list policy

list result⚓︎

odm-cli validator list result
  • name: List Policy Evaluation Result
  • description: List all registered Policy Evaluation Results
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy list result [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml list result
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 list result

get engine⚓︎

odm-cli validator get engine
  • name: Get Policy Engine
  • description: Get a specific Policy Engine given its ID
  • parameters:
    • --id : Policy Engine identifier
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy get engine --id 1 [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml get engine --id 1
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 get engine --id 1

get policy⚓︎

odm-cli validator get validator
  • name: Get Policy
  • description: Get a specific Policy given its ID
  • parameters:
    • --id : Policy identifier
    • --root : Whether the ID is the root ID or the version ID (Optional, default value true, set it to false to get by version ID)
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy get policy --id 1 [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml get policy --id 1
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 get policy --id 1
    • odm-cli policy get policy --id 1 --root false

get result⚓︎

odm-cli validator get result
  • name: Get Policy Evaluation Result
  • description: Get a specific Policy Evaluation Result given its ID
  • parameters:
    • --id : Policy Evaluation Result identifier
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy get result --id 1 [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml get result --id 1
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 get result --id 1

publish engine⚓︎

odm-cli validator publish engine
  • name: Publish Policy Engine
  • description: Publish a Policy Engine given the file path of its JSON descriptor
  • parameters:
    • --engine-file: file path of the Policy Engine JSON descriptor
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy publish engine --engine-file src/main/resources/policy/engines/engine.json [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml publish engine --engine-file src/main/resources/policy/engines/engine.json
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 publish engine --engine-file src/main/resources/policy/engines/engine.json

publish policy⚓︎

odm-cli validator publish validator
  • name: Publish Policy
  • description: Publish a Policy given the file path of its JSON descriptor
  • parameters:
    • --policy-file: file path of the Policy JSON descriptor
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy publish policy --policy-file src/main/resources/policy/policies/policy.json [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml publish policy --policy-file src/main/resources/policy/policies/policy.json
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 publish policy --policy-file src/main/resources/policy/policies/policy.json

publish result⚓︎

odm-cli validator publish result
  • name: Publish Policy Evaluation Result
  • description: Publish a Policy Evaluation Result given the file path of its JSON descriptor
  • parameters:
    • --result-file: file path of the Policy Evaluation Result JSON descriptor
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy publish result --result-file src/main/resources/policy/results/result.json [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml publish result --result-file src/main/resources/policy/results/result.json
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 publish result --result-file src/main/resources/policy/results/result.json

update engine⚓︎

odm-cli validator update engine
  • name: Update Policy Engine
  • description: Update a Policy Engine given the file path of its JSON descriptor and its ID
  • parameters:
    • --id: identifier of the Policy Engine to update
    • --engine-file: file path of the Policy Engine JSON descriptor
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy update engine --id 1 --engine-file src/main/resources/policy/engines/engine.json [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml update engine --id 1 --engine-file src/main/resources/policy/engines/engine.json
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 update engine --id 1 --engine-file src/main/resources/policy/engines/engine.json

update policy⚓︎

odm-cli validator update validator
  • name: Update Policy
  • description: Update a Policy given the file path of its JSON descriptor and its ID
  • parameters:
    • --id: identifier of the Policy to update
    • --policy-file: file path of the Policy JSON descriptor
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy update policy --id 1 --policy-file src/main/resources/policy/policies/policy.json [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml update policy --id 1 --policy-file src/main/resources/policy/policies/policy.json
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 update policy --id 1 --policy-file src/main/resources/policy/policies/policy.json

update result⚓︎

odm-cli validator update result
  • name: Update Policy Evaluation Result
  • description: Update a Policy Evaluation Result given the file path of its JSON descriptor and its ID
  • parameters:
    • --id: identifier of the Policy Evaluation Result to update
    • --result-file: file path of the Policy Evaluation Result JSON descriptor
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy update result --id 1 --result-file src/main/resources/policy/results/result.json [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml update result --id 1 --result-file src/main/resources/policy/results/result.json
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 update result --id 1 --result-file src/main/resources/policy/results/result.json

validate document⚓︎

odm-cli validator validate document
  • name: Validate Document
  • description: Request the evaluation of a Policy Evaluation Request
  • parameters:
    • --document-file: file path of the Policy Evaluation Request JSON descriptor
  • examples:
    • odm-cli policy validate document --document-file src/main/resources/policy/evaluationRequests/evaluationRequest.json [with default properties.yml in module root]
    • odm-cli policy -f properties.yml validate document --document-file src/main/resources/policy/evaluationRequests/evaluationRequest.json
    • odm-cli policy --server http://localhost:8005 validate document --document-file src/main/resources/policy/evaluationRequests/evaluationRequest.json